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Clinical Materials & Supplies
Post inquiries or share feedback on materials and supplies used in clinical practice.
Best Core Material Under Zirconia Crowns
Lithium Disilicate and mitochondrial disruption
Favorite dual cured resin cement
HF acid etch vs. Ivoclean
Cementing emax to porcelain baked implant abutment
A question , a survey on articulating paper
Occlusal Splint Fabrication
cement for provisionals
What is best cementation/bonding technique for Zirconia Crowns
Patient Information for Diagnostic Models, Equilibration, Wax-ups
GLUMA or Desensitizer for Root Sensitivity
Bonding porcelain to metal
Internal Bleaching
Temporary cementation of lithium disilicate
Allografts - Which one to use and when
Failure of a Monolithic Zirconia as a Screw-Retained Implant Restoration
Problems with Sonicfill 2
Bonding Zirconia Crowns with Permacem 2.0 (DMG)
Bulk fill composites
Onlays, great restoration but...
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