Spear Talk
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Clinical Materials & Supplies
Post inquiries or share feedback on materials and supplies used in clinical practice.
Prep for upcoming Endo workshop
Do you take insurance survey.
Lab scanning PVS impressions?
Patient reaction
Perio DT Biofilm Debridement by Young
Vardis Curodont
Fixed lingual retainer
Temporary material for anterior restorations
emax and IRM as luting cement
implant failure
implant ID
Locator Abutment ID
Maryland bridge to replace lateral and canine?
Electric Flaus
Prep Models
Hot mandibular molar + Green Lido turns it stone cold numb 🟢
How would you manage deep caries in this case?
Ordering Hydrocast or Alternatives
Fast Sintering Zirconia
Bonding resin for custom occlusal splints
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